Sunday 19 August 2018

Benefits Of Yoga

                           Benefits Of Yoga

Yoga, at its physical level is aimed at cleansing practice which can be very effective in addressing various disorders. Some of the main yoga benefits include increasing one's flexibility. The various different yoga positions work on all the different joints found in the human body. 
                                                    Benefits Of Yoga
These also include those joints that are not really targeted in other forms of exercise. Benefits of yoga include increasing one's lubrication of the tendons, joints and ligaments.

                                                5 Benefits Of Yoga

1. Improves your flexibility:
 Improved flexibility is one of the first and most obvious benefits of yoga. During your first class, you probably won't be able to touch your toes, never mind do a backbend. But if you stick with it, you'll notice a gradual loosening, and eventually, seemingly impossible poses will become possible. You'll also probably notice that aches and pains start to disappear. That's no coincidence.

2.Perfects your posture:
Your head is like a bowling ball—big, round, and heavy. When it's balanced directly over an erect spine, it takes much less work for your neck and back muscles to support it. Move it several inches forward, however, and you start to strain those muscles. Hold up that forward-leaning bowling ball for eight or 12 hours a day and it's no wonder you're tired. And fatigue might not be your only problem.
3. Increases your blood flow: Yoga gets your blood flowing. More specifically, the relaxation exercises you learn in yoga can help your circulation, especially in your hands and feet. Yoga also gets more oxygen to your cells, which function better as a result. Twisting poses are thought to wring out venous blood from internal organs and allow oxygenated blood to flow in once the twist is released.
4.Drops your blood pressure:
If you've got high blood pressure, you might benefit from yoga. Two studies of people with hypertension, published in the British medical journal The Lancet, compared the effects of Savasana (Corpse Pose) with simply lying on a couch. 
5.Makes you happier: Feeling sad? Sit in Lotus. Better yet, rise up into a back-bend or soar royally into King Dancer Pose. While it's not as simple as that, one study found that a consistent yoga practice improved depression and led to a significant increase in serotonin levels and a decrease in the levels of mono-amine oxidase (an enzyme that breaks down neurotransmitters) and cortisol.

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